Dig or Die Wiki

The v0.3 has added the custom parameters system. It let players set various custom parameters as they wish. Those parameters are taken into account at the game creation and are saved in the save files.
Warning: modifying those variables could create some bugs and crashes. As you can set any value of you wish and there is no validity check, be very careful with your modifications. Modifying any variables, be it from in game or before creating a game, will disable achievements.

Modifying the variables before creating a game[ | ]

This is a way to modify the variables for all the game you will create (single player or as host in multiplayer). It will not modify the values of an already created game.

  1. Check the local files of the games, you'll see the folder StreamingAssets/Params/Solo/defaults_params.lua, and same for the Multi mode
  2. Those two files contain the default parameters values used when creating a new game, depending of the mode.
  3. To modify the values, create a "params.lua" file in your "My Documents" location (where your v0.3 saved games are), in a "\Params\<mod>\" subfolder you'll create. So you will have something like C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Dig or Die\<steam id>\Params\Multi\params.lua.
  4. If the system detects a file at this place, it will read it to replace the default values.
  5. Copy the lines you wish to modify from the defaults_params.lua file into this file. Edit them to any value you wish (for example: params.m_generationOreDiv = 0.3). Be careful, extreme values could create some unexpected issues (world creation too slow). You need to restart the game (and create a new game) for those changes to be taken into account.

Modifying the variables in game[ | ]

This is a way to modify in real-time the variables. In multiplayer changes must be done on the server, and will also be applied on clients. Open the chat by pressing enter, then press one of the following commands. Use the TAB key to complete the param names and loop through the param list. Use the up/down arrow to go through your command history.
/param <param-name>  : To display a variable value
/param <param-name> = <new-value> : To change a variable value (host only)

Variables list[ | ]

List updated for v1.1 build 854:

Variable name default value in Solo Default value in Multi Use
m_startCheated False False Whether or not the game is in creative mode (does not give or take ultimate items if changed)
m_eventsActive False False Whether or not Hazardous Events are enabled
m_spawnPos ? ? ?
m_shipPos ? ? ?
m_gridSize (1024, 1024) (1024, 1024) The map size.
m_seed ? ? The seed for the world generation.
m_gameOverIfAllDead x True Game over if everyone is dead (multiplayer only)
m_clientGetHostItems True True Whether or not new players are given the same weapons and devices from host's inventory
m_banGiveLootToHost True True Whether or not host receiving all items from banned players
m_nbPlayersMax x 4 Maximum number of player slots (multiplayer only)
m_devMode False False Whether or not players are given god mode, noclip, time control, and set boss spawn. Also gives 1 Ultimate Auto-Builder to the host's inventory if there isn't any.
m_checkMinerals True True Respawn minerals if insufficient amount of minerals are detected.
m_dynamicSpawn False False Spawn mobs according to the background.
m_cloudCycleDistance 1624 1624 The length of the cloud cycle, from left to right.
m_cloudCycleDuration 200 200 The duration of the cloud cycle in seconds.
m_cloudRadius 100 100 The horizontal length of the cloud.
m_rainQuantity 0.012 0.012 The amount of rain produced by the cloud.
m_generationOreDiv 1 1 A divisor for minerals quantity. This distance is used both horizontally and vertically, so if you set it to 0.5 you'll have 4x more minerals. Note: It must be changed before creating the game in order to have effect!
m_weightMult 1 1 Multiplier applied on the weight of blocks (easier to build if lower)
m_dropChanceMult 1 1 Multiplier applied on the drop chance when killing monsters (most monsters have 30% drop rate, while hounds and black hounds have 50%)
m_lavaPressureTopCycle 40 40 lava pressure push at the bottom of the volcano during lava rise
m_lavaPressureBottomCycle 2 2 lava pressure push at the bottom of the volcano during lava fall
m_eruptionDurationTotal 800 800 Total duration of eruption : duration before the normal lava cycle start agains, and a new eruption can be triggered
m_eruptionDurationAcc 180 180 Duration that the lava pressures takes to reach its maximum level (to avoid lava to rise too fast at the start of the eruption)
m_eruptionDurationUp 500 500 Duration of the lava pressure push during an eruption
m_eruptionPressure 125 125 Maximum lava pressure push at the bottom of the volcano during an eruption
m_eruptionCheckMinY 780 780 The height to check for minimum altitude of lava
m_dayDurationTotal 720 720 Duration of a day (daytime + nighttime)
m_nightDuration 108 108 Duration of a nighttime
m_gravityPlayers 1 1 The player gravity acceleration multiplier
m_eventsDelayMin 700 700
m_eventsDelayMax 1000 1000
m_respawnDelay -1 20 Respawn delay of players (no respawn if negative)
m_dropAtDeathPercent_Peaceful 0 0 Ratio of drop of each mineral stack of the inventory at death in peaceful difficulty (diamond and sapphires are not dropped)
m_dropAtDeathPercent_Easy 0 0 Ratio of drop of each mineral stack of the inventory at death in easy difficulty (diamond and sapphires are not dropped)
m_dropAtDeathPercent_Normal 0.05 0.05 Ratio of drop of each mineral stack of the inventory at death in normal difficulty (diamond and sapphires are not dropped)
m_dropAtDeathPercent_Hard 0.1 0.1 Ratio of drop of each mineral stack of the inventory at death in hard difficulty (diamond and sapphires are not dropped)
m_dropAtDeathPercent_Brutal 0.15 0.15 Ratio of drop of each mineral stack of the inventory at death in brutal difficulty (diamond and sapphires are not dropped)
m_dropAtDeathMax 20 20 Max number of minerals dropped at deaths (best minerals are dropped first)
m_rocketPreparationDuration 300 300 Duration of the rocket start up
m_speedSimu 1 1 Game mechanics, plants & physics simulation speed multiplier
m_speedSimuWorld 1 1 Electricity, light, and liquids simulation speed multiplier
m_speedSimuWorldLocked False False Lock ratio between game simulation and world simulation
m_rainY 880 880 The height of the clouds
m_fastEvaporationYMax 280 280 Water evaporates faster below this altitude
m_sunLightYMin 600 600 Highest altitude in which there is no more sunlight
m_sunLightYMax 665 665 Lowest altiiude in which there is maximum sunlight
m_monstersDayNb 7 7 The amount of monsters around the player during daytime.
m_bossRespawnDelay -1 720 duration of respawn for boss. -1 means no respawn (in solo)
m_monstersNightSpawnRateMult 1 1 multiplier of the night spawn rate
m_monstersNightSpawnRateAddPerPlayer 0.3 0.3 added % of night spawn rate for each additional player
m_monstersHpMult 1 1 monsters hp multiplier
m_monstersHpAddPerPlayer 0.2 0.2 added % of monsters hp for each additional player
m_monstersDamagesMult 1 1 monsters damage multiplier
m_monstersDamagesAddPerPlayer 0.2 0.2 added % of damage for each additional player

Special variables that can be modified only by command. Caution : for multiplayer parameters, you'll need to save the game, quit, wait a few second that your lobby is reset, then reload the game.

Variable name Use
m_difficulty Difficulty of the game, between -1 (peaceful) and 3 (brutal)
m_hostId do not modify it
m_hostName do not modify it
m_gameName the name of the game (only in multiplayer)
m_visibility 0 for public, 1 for friends (only in multiplayer)
m_passwordMD5 password in MD5 hash(only in multiplayer). If empty, no password

Examples[ | ]

2016-12-14 mega flood

With rainQuantity set to 0.3 instead of 0.012

2016-12-15 mass minerals

With generationOreDiv set to 0.3 instead of 1
